Tag: Landscaping
Fall at our home
Fall, maybe my favorite time of the year. The temperature, Color of the leaves and a sense of change and a hint of winter with a fire off in the distance.
Mothers, just dropping off their Fawns
The other day we had a visitor of the 4 legged kind, a fawn was dropped off by it’s mother. This fellow (or girl) I don’t know of a way to tell the difference between male or female, was dropped off by […]
When you find a Railroad track in your yard?
What do you do when you find a RailRoad Track in your YARD?
Ice Storm, Trees and Limbs falling all around us!
Ice storms and trees in your yard. While individually they are nice to enjoy together is another story.
Life in Lewisville, North Carolina has been more like living in Northern Florida this year.