Spring Storms Creates A Full Day Of Yard work
Spring has been so damp here, we have been praying for a break in the rain for months. It rained here weekly since December. While I appreciate the rain for many benefits, we longed for a dry period. Well after last Friday’s storm – it looks like a trend is forming.
That storm had 55mph winds that would last for about 2 hours. Due to the high winds, we elected to go out to dinner.
To our horror, as we drove out of the neighborhood to dinner, two large trees went down. DIRECTLY in front of us! The good news they fell toward the woods vs. over the road.

So with that said, we had a nice meal and the winds subsided by the time we returned home. But there was some aftermath. Most of my Saturday was working with my oldest daughter in the yard picking up, cutting up limbs and sticks.
Just in time, I also picked up from a friend some handy STIHL products. Mainly a combo pole saw was my biggest investment. It included a weed eater, an adjustable hedge trimmer and a chainsaw attachment. A smaller STIHL chainsaw, STIHL backpack sprayer (never used) and some other sprayers including two solo backpack sprayers for various needs.

So I started putting some of the equipment to use. Between this power equipment and shear will and strength we got the majority of the fallen branches and brush piled up.

I was going to rent a chipper shredder, but the cost to rent is getting higher than contracting someone to do the work. I have a guy coming out in a couple of weeks to trim up the limbs over the house. He said he would take care of the piles for us… SCORE thank goodness.