Memorial Day weekend – honoring the fallen

Memorial Day Weekend always gives our family a moment to reflect on those Patriots who gave their life in service to their country. For 3 generations my family served in the Military in some capacity. Fortunately we never made the ultimate sacrifice but the risk was there. There is no greater sacrifice that can be had than to give ones life in service to others. Our Constitution is a unique document across the globe that puts each and every man and women in charge of their destiny. Their service and sacrifice secures this document for generations to come.

If you did not know, Memorial Day is a Federal holiday in the United States for remembering and honoring people who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Take a moment to reflect if you have not, for those that gave their life so you can have yours.

New Flag needed for our Car Port
In need of a flag for Memorial Day Weekend
Broken flag mount
The old mount was lose and too small for the flags we have.
Time to find a new flag holder.

As many small and large tasks we have, we typically spend time working to complete them during vacations or weekends. I wanted to replace the warn out flag holder with a new mount and a new flag for the holiday. I stopped off at Home Depot for materials for another project and snagged this combo.

Nothing too special but good enough. Old Glory flies once again. I guess the lighting was perfect and these images really turned out well! I hope you take some time with your family to reflect what this holiday is all about!

Until next time!

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