Picking Strawberries at a local Strawberry Farm
Who does not like strawberries? I know there are people with allergic reactions – but outside of that… what a great fruit. As the weather cleared (somewhat this morning) and with my reduced work schedule, we’ve taken a couple excursions during the SARS-2 outbreak. Fridays are my day off. If /when the girls have a short school week, we take off to a park or something fun while my wife is working.
The girls have never gone to a Strawberry patch before. We intended to go many times in the past but schedules did not align. Not this year, I made a point to stay on top of the schedule and get out there to show the girls how cool it is to go strawberry picking. When I told them this morning, they were really excited.
Strawberry Farm
We headed out to a life long friends farm “Jones Strawberry Farm” right up the road from our house. They opened today after being closed due to rain, which means larger and more ripe strawberries to pick.
We made it there around 9AM when they opened and the parking lot (the side of the street and a small parking area) was already slammed. We found a spot to park and hopped out ready to get picking. We were greeted by my buddy Eric, who is the son of Orval Jones the current owner of the farm.
You can find them on their Facebook page: or their address contact info below.
Jones Strawberry Farm
5590 Seward Road
Pfafftown, North Carolina 27040
(336) 345-2149
Orval Jones’ grandfather used to grow produce on the property in the 1800s and would sell and deliver boxes of vegetables to people in the community. This farm has been in the family for more than 100 years. Eric actually lives in his grandparents old farm house just across the street from the field of Strawberries. Eric handed us a couple of baskets and we were on our way.
Here is a pretty good article about the farm here at our local paper:
Winston-Salem Journal
It was actually very nice to see old and young, single individuals and families coming together for a shared reward. While there is all kinds of drama today with Covid-19, fresh strawberries trumps any fear.

After about 30 minutes we were all done and got everything we needed, we ended up with two gallons. It was an awesome outing and the girls really were excited to pick their own fruit from Gods green earth.

Tonight I ended up making a Strawberry salad – it was wonderful and there is nothing like fresh strawberries mixed in. We not only enjoyed our time but are thinking of all the recipes and things we can cook with these strawberries. Hmmm more to come.
About the Strawberry Salad:
Make it simple: Eat Smart Strawberry Harvest Vegetable Salad Kit (10 oz.)
Make your own salad and use this dressing: Brianna’s, Blush Wine Vinaigrette, (12 oz)

Thanks again to Jones Strawberry Farm for making such a great product, with a little help from the big guy upstairs.
Until next time!