Author: My59 Ranch
Why blog about your house?
Why blog about your house? When we were first looking at this house, I imagined us recording the changes and upgrades so we could / can look back and see where we came from. That was the primary purpose of the blog. […]
Mothers, just dropping off their Fawns
The other day we had a visitor of the 4 legged kind, a fawn was dropped off by it’s mother. This fellow (or girl) I don’t know of a way to tell the difference between male or female, was dropped off by […]
Trim up English Ivy FAST with a Billy Goat
A great erosion plant (English Ivy) but it can grow out of control quickly. You don’t want it growing on your house or trees as…
Adding 5″ Can Lights To our Office (observitory)
Replacing 1980’s and 1990’s track lighting with recessed LED lighting.
Removing old carpet, and adding value to our home with tile? or Wood? Come and see!