Spring Flowers Bring Positive Outlook During Crisis
As we all know the President and the CDC has requested us to do many things like staying home, and not gathering with groups of more than 10 people for 15 days. Keeping your distance if you go out. Let’s also not forget to WASH YOUR HANDS! Working from home if you are a digital office worked looks to be the norm for a couple of weeks. Many places are open but with limited staff and only drive-threw at restaurants. My office is closed it looks like for the next couple of weeks – we shall see.
We were scheduled to be on Spring Break this week and planned on going on a couple day trips and head up to Asheville to see my wife’s Dad. Then, enter the Corona-virus and our plans changed rapidly. While I think the response is a little over stated, we wanted to comply as much as possible. You should always be aware of your impact on your neighbor and revert to the Golden Rule for reference. So in this case we are staying home with only going out to get groceries or a car drive to break up the day.
Spring Flowers
On one of our drives, we stopped and picked up a couple of flowers to plant at Home Depot. Over the past week, our perennials started to bloom along with a couple Red Bud trees. With that we had a couple of entertaining yard activities. Since we moved in we have not been able to get everything in the yard done but this time will help us.
Thanks to my Daughter Megan, she grabbed her Canon Digital Rebel and started taking pictures of the yard and the work we were doing. Here is the result of that work.

We also were surprised last year (but never got evidence) to see that Wood Ducks apparently like to Fly and land not only on water or land, but also TREES. I have never seen this, but here is the evidence. The female has a white ring around her eye and the final two pictures are of the male. Pretty amazing site to see.

Stay safe and please wash your hands and keep your hands away from your head!
Until next time!